Opening Hours: Sunday - Thursday 9 am to 5 pm
  • Time Office:
    Sunday to Thursday 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Call Us:
    +20 12245 942 14
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About us

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El-Amara Co

EL_AMARA FOR ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ENGINIRING CO. (ELAMARACO) has been recognized as a reputable electromechanical supplier & representative in the Egyptian market since 1999 although the existence of great companies which work in this field EL_AMARA FOR ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ENGINIRING CO. is the main distributor for HOFFMANN TECHNICS for electrical motors Switzerland Since 2002



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Working Process

01 - Discover
People with ideas and experience to develop a vision for the future
02 - Build
The right tools at the right time enhances the shard economy
03 - Connect
Intgrating clients with partners is the focus of everyday business
04 - Lanch
Bringing highly-anticipated programs to the marketplace

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